This site is the property of S.C. EUROMELLIS NATURA SRL based in Valenii de Munte, str. Berevoiesti no.77-79, C42, Prahova County, CUI: RO 33365240, J29/969/2014, CONT :RO45 BACX 0000 0010 3119 7001, UNICREDIT BANK

Contact details

TEL: 0738 696 023
0741 259 429


EUROMELLIS NATURA is the owner of all intellectual property rights on the site, on the name, logo, design, in general on the entire content of it as well as on all the brands mentioned on the site.

The name of the website as well as its logo, the melarium name and its logo, the Melissimo name and its logo are registered trademarks Euromellis Natura SRL, with all rights conferred by this registration. Their use without prior authorization of the legal holder is sanctioned by the legislation in force.

The entire content of the sites owned by SC Euromellis Natura is also protected by copyright and intellectual property legislation.

Terms and conditions of use

  1. Inscrierea pe siteu-rile este gratuita.
  2. The user is obliged to access and use the site in accordance with the practices in the field, in compliance with the legislation in force and without causing any damage to EUROMELLIS NATURA.
  3. All products presented on the site are available within the stock limit.
  4. The availability of products on this site and their prices are updated daily. The prices displayed include VAT.
  5. The order registration is not confirmation of the order. After the order is registered, it will be processed in order to confirm and establish the delivery dates.
  6. The delivery deadline is 1-2 days after the order is confirmed. However, during the period of the great religious holidays (e.g. Easter, Christmas) or during the period of large commercial discounts (e.g. Black Friday) the delivery of the order can take between 5-10 days.
  7. Euromellis reserves the right to complete or modify any information on the website, including on prices. If at the time of ordering a product its price does not correspond to the one displayed you will be notified of this aspect. If there are differences between the actual price and the displayed one, the order processing will be done only with the express consent of the customer.
  8. The products marketed are approved according to the legislation in force and packaged according to the details of the presentation images.
  9. The method of delivery of the products is by package and the shipment is done through Fan Courier. The customer has the obligation to provide accurate and complete delivery data and to receive the package directly or through representatives. We do not assume the responsibility of delivering orders in the event of the communication of incorrect or incomplete addresses. The cost of delivery is to be displayed in the last stage of placing the order. For single orders whose cost exceeds the amount of 250lei delivery is free.
  10. Payment can be made upon receipt of the package in the refund system or by bank transfer.
  11. Cancellation of orders can be done by e-mail or telephone but only validates if they have not been sent.
  12. According to OUG no.34/2014, the consumer benefits from a period of 14 days in order to withdraw from a distance contract without having to justify the decision to withdraw and without incurring any other costs except those relating to delivery as well as those concerning the dimination of the value of the products resulting from their handling.
  13. According to the same normative act, the supply of sealed products which cannot be returned for health or hygiene reasons and which have been unsealed by the consumer are exempted from the right of withdrawal.
  14. The intention to return a product will be communicated SC Eeuromellis Natura SRL by any of the following: e-mail, registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, telephone, SMS, using the attached form or by any other unequivocal declaration expressing your decision to withdraw from the contract
  15. Products on this site can have positive effects on your tone and health. However, the purpose of the information about the products on the site is an informational one and does not substitute for the prescriptions or advice of the doctor. If you suffer from a medical condition and appreciate that the product/products purchased may/may aggravate the disease, seek medical advice before consuming them.
  16. Any disputes will be resolved amicably directly or through mediation and if the parties do not reach any agreement, the dispute will be resolved by the competent courts.
  17. By making an order you agree to the above terms and conditions.



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